Portfolio *
Municipal Planning, Zoning, and Permitting*
Bangor School, LLC: Prepared analysis and findings for a comprehensive plan map amendment and rezone to allow commercial and professional use of the former Bangor School site in the City of North Bend, 2005-09.
Douglas County Land Department: Prepared land use analysis and findings for a comprehensive plan amendment and a rezone to remove the dredge spoils overlay from a portion of Bolon Island north of Reedsport in order to allow industrial use; application approved by Douglas County, 2008-09.
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians: Developed surveys and newsletters; facilitated Tribal Council, Tribal members and administrative staff workshops; carried out SWOT Analysis and prepared Strategic Plan, 2001. Carried out facilitation, Tribal involvement, strategic and land use planning to prepare the vision and plan for the Coos Head Land Use Concept plan, 2008.
Oregon International Port of Coos Bay: Facilitated community meetings; prepared Charleston Marina Complex Vision and Master Plan in cooperation with the Dyer Partnership, Engineers and Planners, Inc., 2006-07.
Al Peirce Co.: Prepared land use analysis and findings for rezoning and comprehensive plan amendments to waterfront industrial property; applications approved by the City of North Bend and Coos County, 2003-06.
University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology: Prepared Conditional Use Permit Application to allow expansion of the Charleston facility in a forest zone; application approved by Coos County, 2006.
City of Port Orford: Served as project manager, planner and facilitator for land use community goal setting and land use analysis for the southern part of the City. Prepared (with the assistance of subcontractors) City of Port Orford, Looking to the Future, and zoning implementation proposals, 2006-07. Provided Planning Commissioner training, 2007. Prepared updates for land partitioning and subdivision elements of the ordinance, 2008. Currently serving as City Planner, working with staff, citizens, developers, Planning Commission and City Council, 2007-present.
Coquille Economic Development Corporation (CEDCO): Prepared land use analysis for master planning for North Bend waterfront property in cooperation with Reid Middleton and other partners, 2004-05.
Land Use Applications and Land Use Analysis for Numerous Private Clients. Examples: Prepared analysis and findings for approval of non-farm dwellings and other conditional use permits on resource lands. Prepared analysis and findings for approval of zoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Prepared analysis for Urban Growth Boundary adjustments and Annexations. Coordinated permits through various local and state agencies.
Reedsport School District: Completed application, analysis and findings for a rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Reedsport School District property; approved by Douglas County, 2004-05.
City of Newport: Facilitated public involvement and prepared planning analysis for South Beach Storm Drain Master Plan working in cooperation with SHN Engineers & Geologists, Inc., 2002-03.
City of North Bend: Prepared Downtown Waterfront Design Master Plan, working in cooperation with McSwain and Woods, AIA, 1997-98; served as interim planning director, completed long range planning to comply with statewide periodic review, prepared grants 1998-2003; facilitated planning for the North Bend Historic Preservation Commission, 2002-05.
Waterway and DEQ Permit Coordination: Served as a subcontractor for SHN Consulting Engineers and Geologists on public and private projects; completed DSL/Corps of Engineers Joint Permits, Land Use Compatibility Statements and annexation analysis, 2003-06.
City of Glendale: Completed periodic review and technical planning; prepared new Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and grants; currently serving as on-call planner to respond to staff and the public, and prepare staff reports. 1999-present.
City of Myrtle Point: Provided Planning Commission training, 2005. Currently serving as on-call planning advisor, 2000 – present.
City of Riddle: Provide consultation with staff and the general public on an on-call basis, 2006 – present.
City of Coos Bay: Prepared Front Street Waterfront Master Plan, working in cooperation with McSwain and Woods, AIA, 1997-98; facilitated Empire community waterfront project development and provided recommendations to the Coos Bay City Manager and City Council, 2005. Prepared information about affordable housing programs and policies for presentation to the Coos Bay Planning Commission and City Council, 2006-07. Prepared research regarding cost recovery for installation of infrastructure, 2007.
City of Reedsport: Served as interim economic development/planning director/grant administrator, 1999-2001.
City of Lakeside: Facilitated subdivision pre-application meetings with applicants, staff and agency representatives. Served as planner and facilitator for Highway 101 Coastal Landscape Visioning Plan, 1996-97.
Facilitation, Public Involvement, Goal Setting
Alternative Youth Activities, Inc: Completed Organizational Values and Strategies and Executive Director Search Guide. Facilitated meetings with the Board and staff to complete this plan, 2010.
Oregon Coast Community Action: Partnered with Oregon Coast Community Action to develop When We All have Homes, Coos County 10-Year Homeless Plan. Facilitated meetings with broad based stakeholder groups, developed goals and strategies and organized document for Governance Board approval, 2008-09.
Coos County Airport District: Facilitated Board planning to develop Goals and Strategies for the Future 2009 –2015 in 2009.
Douglas County Forest Council (Biomass Energy Group): Facilitated group discussions regarding biomass energy opportunities, 2007.
Southwestern Oregon Community College: Facilitated focus groups throughout Coos, Curry and Western Douglas Counties, and with students on campus for development of master plan document to be completed by Crow/Clay and Associates, Inc., Architecture and Planning, 2007.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW): Facilitated regional meeting to take public input regarding Salmon Trout Enhancement Programs (STEP); prepared the follow-up report, 2005.
City of Coquille: Facilitated City Council goal setting and prepared goal plan for City approval, 2005.
Coos Bay Public Library: Facilitated community workshops, prepared public involvement survey and prepared written reports for the Coos Bay Public Library Board of Trustees, 2000 and 2005.
Oregon Economic and Community Development Department: Facilitated Coos County agricultural strategy priorities, 2002.
South Coast Development Council: Facilitated public involvement/community forums, 2001.
Southwestern Oregon Community College Business Development Center: Served as coordinator, instructor, advisor for startup and existing businesses, 1997- 2007.
City of Port Orford: Facilitated Planning Commission update of the existing Strategic Plan, 2002.
City of Lakeside: Developed community surveys and carried out public involvement; prepared Lakeside Strategic Plan, 2000. Provided Planning Commission training, 2006.
Intergovernmental: Facilitated the first joint work session of the Coos Bay City Council and the Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, 2000.
Nonprofit Development, Organizational Strategic Planning
Coos Art Museum: Facilitated Board planning and training to develop the Coos Art Museum Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014 including the vision, goals and strategies, and format for annual work program, 2009.
Coos Historical and Maritime Museum: Facilitated Board meetings to develop goals and priorities, 2004 and 2008.
The First Step Parent Child Training Center, South County Resource Center, Canyonville: Facilitated Board planning and prepared First Step Strategic Plan, 2005. Prepared strategic plan updates, and provided consultation for the transition of the organization from First Step to South County Resource Center, 2007.
Douglas County Timber Operators: Facilitated Board goal planning and organized written information, 2007.
Bay Area First Step: Facilitated service provider involvement and Board planning, and prepared Bay Area First Step Strategies and Priorities, 2005.
Oregon Coast Music Association: Facilitated Board planning, organized community survey, carried out interviews; developed goals and priorities, prepared Oregon Coast Music Association Strategic Plan, 2004.
Consumer Counseling Credit Service, Coos Curry Inc.: Researched opportunities for grant funding, 2003.
Oregon Coast Historical Railway: Facilitated group workshops to complete the SWOT analysis, vision, and goals; prepared the Strategic Plan, 2002.
Pacific Cove Humane Society: Facilitated Board of Directors’ meetings and prepared Pacific Cove Humane Society Strategic Plan, 2002. Provided organizational development training at annual meeting, 2007.
Coos Watershed Association: Addressed Board development needs through workshops and surveys, and prepared the organization’s long-range plan, 2001.
South Coast Land Conservancy: Prepared the Conservancy’s organizational development plan, 2001.
Friends of Shore Acres: Facilitated goal planning and prepared an organizational action plan, 2001.
*All Oregon Projects